Thursday, May 29, 2014


Rain, rain, rain.  We waited a bit and decided that if we were going to get out we had best get on with it.  We donned our rain gear and headed to the bus stop to catch the 599 to Ambleside.  The 599 appears frequently so we were not concerned about whether we'd be spending another day at bus stops.  We went prepared:  Visions of lovlliness as befitting the Beautiful Women from Iona.  

We are obviously in disguise.  

None of us were hungry yet, very hard to believe so we decided to just wander around the quaint village.We did a little looking, buying is really out because room in suitcases is scarce.  Sharon however found a shirt that rolls up into it's pocket.  Certainly room for something like that in a bag.  I volunteered to carry it for her in my backpack so she could rid herself of the package.  I told her I would only carry it however if she rolled it up into the "pocket bag".  Here she is demonstating it on the streets of Ambleside.  I should have captured the man standing there laughing at her but I would never take a picture of an unsuspecting person.

Well, maybe sometimes one just has too.

No trip to town, or anyplace for that matter would be complete without a stop at the local pharmacy.
I remember when no trip to town would be complete without a stop to find out what was happening in the clubs.  Now it's  what happening with drugs, which one will help backaches, colds, allergies, red eyes, need I go on.  I could, you know. 

We were finally hungry and of course we had done some restaurant recon while we were out browsing and had a place all picked out.  

We were taken to our table and ordered a glass of wine while we studied the menu.  Oh I forgot one person didn't order wine.  Miss " Goody Two Shoes".9

And here's two of the lushes.  There were three.

We ordered and our food was delivered.  Here's mine -
 Yes both bowls.  I did share a couple of carrots and one potato.  Generous aren't I? It was delicious.

Wait a minute.  What is this? See what happens when you don't drink wine you have to take pills.

Our waitress was a doll and gave us a few tips on what to see before leaving Ambleside.  We were ready to go.  Almost...

Toilets and Drugstores.  Two of our most cherished signs.

The wait staff was so cute and when they heard I was doing a blog they wanted their pictures posted.  I could hardly blame them for wanting to be on my site.  I don't know what their mothers' would think since here in our apartment we cannot view our blogs because they have TALK TALK, their home safe settings blocking it because of content.  I told Sharon to clean up her act so we can acess it at our next place.  ( It has to be Sharon's that's causing the problem!)

We headed to our first destination, Bridge House.  This house was built over a river so that the owner would not have to pay land tax.  If they charged by the square foot and he had built this on land I really don't think he would have had to pay much.  This has to be the worl's smallest house, It did sleep a family of eight however. Notice the outside staircase leading to the 2nd story.

We were just heading to our next destination when ...

No! that is not one of my Alaska pictures that got in here by mistake.  That is a dog, believe it or not.
Believe it.  I would not try to fool you.

We next headed to St Mary's ,one of the oldest churches in Ambleside.  It is currently used by an Anglican and Methodist congregation.  It looked very old from the outside but had a light, more modern appearance in the interior.  

It was a good day and I have to sit back and reflect on a couple of things.  A few years ago, well maybe more than a few " The beautiful ladies from Iona" phrase might not have been so funny.
JoAnne woke up this morning and after getting dressed and joining us in the livingroom  bragged that she had all clean clothes on.  When did that start to be a topic of conversation.
That's it folks. Lights out!  

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