Thursday, June 19, 2014


Our second day to catch the train to Bath.  On the way we stopped in at the John Wesley Center.  We looked around at the Chapel and went upstairs to look around where John Wesley lived and worked.  I happened to ay hello to someone who worked there and he never left my side.  He was a wealth of information. I just wished I knew the people and the places he was mentioning.. He told  me that so much of what he knew came direcctly from his father who had learned it from his father and much of what he was telling me wasn't written anywhere.  Sorry folks, I just couldn't retain much of it. 
What a shame that is!  Sharon did a whole blog on the center so if you're interested in finding out more look at her blog. (

We barely made it to the train station in time to catch our train because I couldn't get away from the "wealth of info"guy without seeming rude. Again a good deal on the train fare.  Our destination today was to visit Stonehenge.  We again walked around Bath, such a lovely city.  We had a little lunch at a little cafe which had some cute sayings printed around the walls and a very unique decor in the ladies toilet.  

The doors to the stalls....

The inside of the your shopping while sitting.

After lunch we headed to the square to catch our tour bus to Stonehenge.  After getting situated on the bus we all looked at each other and either we had really gotten broad in the beam or these were the tinest seats we had ever sat in.  We like to believe the later, but maybe...  Oh well, only an hour trip to our destination.  ( I may change my blog address to "abroadbroadabroad" !  

And the bus was a lovely color and the tour guide was very personable and imparted a lot of good info.    One of the most astonishing revalation was the size of the city of Bath.  None of us had any idea of the vast residential areas ouotside of the city.  Bath itself is built on seven hills and I think all of them are filed with prime real estate.  It is also a hang out for the rich and famous ( Johnny Dep, Nicholas Cage and of course the four beautiful women from Iona will undoubtedly be added to the list.)I

Oh, my mistake.  This was not our bus.  This was a Mercedes with big, luxurious seats and big windows for great sight seeing.

This is our bus!!  Much better and we woukd have no trouble finding it.

We arrived at the new exhibit visitors center.  It's less then 6 months old and is quite nice.  A lot of the hisotry and background of Stonehenge can be found in a museum on the premises.  I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about Stonehenge since we all know quite a bit about it and if you don't you can read Sharon's blog (  I have to get caught up on this train to Amersterdam so I can't possibly go into a great bit of detail. Just to prove I was there I had my friends take some pictures of me.

In front of the new visitor's center.  

I should mention that we were given an audio tour to take with us as we roamed around the now established walkway.  People are forbidden to get near the stones any more.  When we were given 2 hours to roam the area we all thought it was way too much time and we'd be sitting around waiting for the departure time.  As it turned out we were rushing at the end so we could spend at least a half an hour in the museum portion.  

Here's a classic:  I came up behind them...

and they hardly noticed my photographing them they were so into the audio.

This is me with the stones.  You probably recognize me because of my classy, classic outfit- black slacks and black and white stripped shirt, oops sorry that's the white and black stripped shirt.

When we got back to Bath we weren't ready to head home quite then so we walked around a bit, found a lovely outside cafe and had a drink,listened to a singer performing in the square and just relaxed enjoying the sunshine - very rare on this trip.  (See what I mean, Sharon has on that shirt 
again .)

We finally boarded a train back to Bristol, went out to dinner and called it a night!

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